Tips for Safely Turning Yourself in on a Warrant

If you have a warrant out for your arrest, you must contact a lawyer in the area as soon as possible. Whether you found out through a warrant service or just by chance, you want to negotiate your peaceful surrender to avoid further legal implications. Ignoring an arrest warrant puts you at a risk of getting arrested by surprise in an inconvenient, dangerous, or embarrassing situation.

Knowing the right steps to take with your lawyer can increase your chances of having a smooth process. With the right process, you will also be released as quickly as possible. Below we highlight ways of turning yourself in on a warrant.

Contact The Sheriff’s Office 

Calling your local sheriff’s office should be your first step. You want to ask if they have specific rules or special instructions for turning yourself in. Since the rules change often, you want to ensure you bring what is needed to be processed quickly and without issue. 

If you have medical conditions, be sure to bring any equipment or medications you may need to control the condition. Bringing medical records or prescriptions with you for these specific devices is recommended. 

Use Your Right To Remain Silent

If you do not want to say anything about the case, the situation, or anything else before talking to an attorney, you have the right to remain silent. Always remember that even the most innocent statements can be recorded and used against you in court. 

The police may try to make small talk with you, but let them know that you’d like to remain silent and have a lawyer present during talks. Also, do not talk to the other people who may be in jail with you about the case. They may tell the police or others what you say to them, so it is best to say nothing at all. Your lawyer will make the defenses for you in court where necessary. 

Remember to be respectful, courteous, and cooperative with those working in the jail. You will get through the process quicker this way, and you’ll likely be treated by the personnel how you treat them. 

Prepare Yourself

You need to prepare yourself physically and psychologically when turning yourself in. Wear nice long pants and a conservative shirt. The goal is to be comfortable and also presentable. Leave contraband such as pocket knives and other dangerous items at home. 

Memorize the phone numbers of family members so you’re able to reach out to them when needed. Also, keep your lawyer’s number on hand. Writing the numbers down and bringing them with you is recommended. While you won’t be able to have a cell phone, you should be able to keep the paper with the numbers. 

Getting Yourself Out

During the booking process, you will be fingerprinted, photographed, and you will have to fill out some paperwork. You may have to change out of your clothes and into their required clothing. You will then be presented to a magistrate who sets the bail based on the specific charges and your background. 

There are certain types of charges that you cannot set bail for. Speak with a lawyer before you turn yourself in so that you know if the magistrate is allowed to set bail for your specific charges or you have to stay in jail. 

Consider what day to turn yourself in. You don’t want to turn yourself in over the weekend, on Fridays or Mondays. Fridays and weekends have no judges working to plead your case or get your bail reduced if you cannot pay it. Mondays are often backlogged with those who came in on Friday and over the weekend. The best time is very early in the morning on a midweek day. 

Speak To A Bondsman Now!

After you’ve reached out to a lawyer, your family should then look into bail bondsmen. The lawyer can work to get the bail set to a reasonable amount while the bondsman helps provide the bond for this amount. A lawyer can also advise you on how much bail you may need depending on the charges, helping your family prepare with a bondsman. 

Facing an arrest is scary, embarrassing, and stressful. However, being prepared can help to alleviate some of that. Protect your rights with a lawyer, and know you don’t have to sit in jail when you have bail with a bondsman. Speak to a bail bondsman who can provide the necessary bond to help you get out until your next hearing. Apex Bail Bonds cares about the level of service your family receives while they gain the bond for you. Reach out today to learn more if you have an active warrant.

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