Posted Bail in Halifax? Tips for Winning Your Case

After you post your Halifax bail bond, many people feel a sense of relief. This is especially true if they’ve had to spend a couple days or even weeks in the Halifax Adult Detention Center on Blue Ridge Ln. in Halifax, VA. No jails are fun places to stay, but the Halifax jail can be especially difficult.

However having a Halifax bail bondsman post your bail is only the first step in your pre-trial process which will include court proceedings and eventually a trial. In order to give you the best chance of success after you post bail in Halifax, Apex Bail Bonds has established a list of tips for giving you the best chance to win your case.

Pay Attention To Dates and Deadlines

Dates and deadlines are crucial in court cases. This isn’t high school, where if you miss a deadline the teacher may allow a “make-up” test. There also isn’t room for tardiness in court either.

You will receive notifications about your Halifax court case through the mail, so it is important that you are truthful when you tell the magistrate your address. If your address changes after you’ve posted your bail bond, you should immediately contact the Halifax General District Court, Halifax Circuit Court, or Halifax Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court and their respect clerk’s offices.

Hire An Attorney and Meet With Them Regularly

Not everyone can hire a private attorney, and if that’s the case that is still okay. Many talented lawyers take on cases as a public defender and you can find good lawyers in the public defenders office. However it is important to note that the public defenders office is overwhelmed with way more cases than they can handle so when your public defender reaches out to you, it is absolutely critical that you take the time to meet or talk with them

If you don’t hear from your Halifax or South Boston public defender, reach out to them yourself! If you can’t reach them personally, leave a message with their secretary or stop by their office repeatedly and you will get their attention. The squeaky wheel gets the grease!

Another tip we give our clients at Apex Bail Bonds, is to get your lawyer’s email address. Many times they check their email after hours, and this will give you another avenue to get a message directly to them.

Understand Your Case

Each case is different; you need to understand yours. If you are facing a criminal case, the issues will be vastly different in comparison to a civil court case. Those involved with the legal system should know as much as they can about all court-related procedures, so your legal representation should help you understand as much as possible about your case. However, you shouldn’t depend solely on them. Find books describing basic legal procedures will help you gain an understanding of the process and prepare you for what you may be facing.

It can also be helpful to talk to others who have been through situations similar to yours. However, beware of people who act like they know exactly will or won’t happen in your case and have no legal expertise. It is always better to ask your lawyer and take their advice. Another valuable resource is the free legal aid offered in many communities.

Understand the Rules of Evidence

In today’s age many people have cell phone evidence. You need to make yourself aware of your court’s rules on what types of evidence will or won’t be admitted into the Halifax courtroom. There are other types of evidence that aren’t always admissible in court. Don’t wait until the day of your court proceeding to find this information out. You should call the clerk’s office or your lawyer well in advance of any proceeding where you plan to present any evidence.

Never Represent Yourself!!!

At Apex Bail Bonds of Halifax, VA we can’t emphasize this enough! Due to the bad wrap that the public defenders office has, many people decide they’d rather go it alone. Other people simply think they are so slick that they can outsmart the criminal justice system. This rarely works! In fact, this is usually one of the worst decisions you can make. Even an overloaded public defender has more knowledge about court room motions and procedures than you do. And often you will find your public defender is more equipped to handle your case than you are.

If you want the best representation possible, contact a Halifax law firm, or South Boston law firm, and set up a payment plan. Many if not all lawyers take payments for the fees. Having the right legal representation can mean everything to the success of your case and that can have a lifelong effect on you.

Last but not least… fight your case from the outside! It’s always better to use a Halifax bail bondsman and prepare your defense from outside of jail rather than in custody. In custody, it is extremely difficult to prepare an adequate defense, meet with your lawyer regularly, collect and go over evidence, and even make phone calls. While in custody, you will only see your lawyer when they can come to you, which may not be very often.

When you post a bail bond in Halifax, you give yourself a much higher chance of success in the court room. Studies show that when you post a bail bond you are 88% of people get their case dismissed or resolved with no criminal record. That number drops to 38% for those who don’t post bail and attempt to fight their case from inside the jail.

To speak to a Halifax or South Boston bail bondsman that can post your bail bond and will stay with you for the length of your entire case, call Apex Bail Bonds of Halifax at 434-446-1499.

Fred Shanks, IV


Apex Bail Bonds of Halifax, VA

100 S Main St., Halifax, VA 24558


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Halifax Bail Bonds Resources:

Halifax Public Defender Offices

Virginia Public Defenders in Halifax

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